Welcome to Singular3D's Vision & Reality. |
This place is mainly dedicated to my VISION and favourite passions, especially 3D graphics.
As I also like to take photos of places or situations I like, you'll also find a photo gallery here that is dedicated to
REALITY and pictures I find worthy to share.
This Site Info should give you an overview about the things that can be found on my homepage.
Just explore and enjoy the things you find. The main tools I use for my CG-Art are Poser, Carrara, Cinema 4D and Vue.
You can find some of my images in the Gallery section.
Besides my own art you will find art of friends and a photo gallery.
In Stories you will find pictorials
or comics I'm working on. This is a work in progress.
Products will give you a short
overview about my commercial projects and where they are available. Most of them are products for Poser. We will see what
will be added in future.
All my contributions to the community can be found in
Freebies. This includes Poser characters/props as well
as pre-sets for the Super Blade Pro Filter.
I learned a lot reading tutorials written by others, so I decided to return the favour and write
a bit about things I learned that others might be interested in. Just have a look into the
Tutorial section.
In the 'Work In Progress (WIP)'
section, you can find information about projects I'm working on at the moment or have been working on. Just to give you
some insight about what's in the pipe and what was the idea behind it.
There are a lot of communities dedicated to Computer Graphics in the net. You can find links to
some of them in the Links section. I also added links
to the vendors of software I use.
Take your time and have a look around. You get the latest information in the
News subsection. If you like this page and want to ask
me something or just leave me feedback, you can send a mail to product@singular3d.at
- Yours, Singular3D